Explore hiring a

Real Estate Assistant

 Reclaim your time with a real estate virtual assistant.

First, choose your

Type of Assistant

Choose a transaction coordinator (TC) or virtual assistant (VA).


Transaction Coordinators (TC)

For managing files and compliance.

Our transaction coordination assistants are trained by senior, US-based TCs with years of experience who continue to support your TC once you hire them.


Real Estate Virtual Assistants (VA)

For admin and marketing tasks.

With US based onboarding, a premium AgentUp plan included, plus monthly service credits, this isn’t your average real estate assistant service. Expect more.


Compare Assistants

Discover which option is best for you.

Virtual assistants are a bit more flexible and have a lower entry price while transaction coordinators have US-based TC oversight and live support. Compare on.

Reclaim Your Life

Hire A Real Estate Assistant

Find out if hiring a real estate assistant could be the right choice for you.

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What Makes AgentUp Different

Expert VA training, first-class onboarding, powered by AgentUp.


Expert VA Training

Licensure level training for your VA.

We’re serious. Our VA training courses are developed by real estate licensure instructors to develop industry leading training for your real estate assistant.


First-Class Onboarding

Custom onboarding for your business.

You’re going to like this. We pair your VA with an onboarding specialist for your entire first month to build out the system your business requires.


Monthly Service Credit

Redeemable for any AgentUp service.

Your VA might be a rockstar, but they have their limits. When you need more specialized services, like virtual staging or graphic design, you can use service credits.


Powered By AgentUp

Free AgentUp plan with any assistant.

Whether you hire a real estate VA or a transaction coordinator, your new assistant provides you more value with AgentUp marketing tools at their disposal.

Grow Your Business

Hire A Real Estate Assistant

Schedule a 15 minute call to learn more about hiring your real estate VA.